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Flemish Giant Videos
From Cascadia Rabbitry
8 week old bunnies (Cascadia's Blue Spruce x Alder) and dog friends

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Cascadia's Blue Spruce and dog friend playing

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5 month old Blue Buck and cats play above: and in the video below the buck plays with a toy, thanks to a happy adopter for these videos!
Here's what an adopter's cat thinks of this 4 month old doe,
purebred but unrecognized color (Blue x Light Grey)
Light grey doe, Cascadia's Sorrel, around three months old, getting pets
Blue babies out of Blue Spruce and Hyzenthlay around seven weeks
Exuberant greeting from a blue doe (out of Blue Spruce and Hyzenthlay) around five months
Flemish Giant Kits 7 Weeks Old
Althea, playing with her ball and friends on the Ranch!
Althea and Larkspur hanging out in the bun run!
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